A certain degree of adversity is part of every child's life. We help kids deal more effectively with adversity, before, during, and after they experience it. We aim to reduce their experience of trauma, which is determined at the intersection of even common adversity, and resilience. These efforts are greatly affected today by the world of porn, where kids now spend so much time from an early age, especially on-line. Related behavior creates a wide range of seriously adverse circumstances for kids. And the engagement itself can be an attempt to comfort themselves, cope with, or escape from various emotions and challenges they might already be experiencing, but in an inneffective, unhealthy, and detrimental way.
Kids are negatively affected by pornography through its influence on their parents and family, their teachers and other adults, the kids with whom they play and date, and through their own personal engagement with such materials and subsequent activities. Some of the effects can be long term and very serious. A relationship with pornography can be linked to a host of other issues that harm young people today, including low self-esteem, bullying, depression, suicide, substance abuse, various types of brain damage during the critical developmental years of adolescence, damage to educational and professional opportunities, an array of high risk behaviors, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, legal problems, contact with predators, a predisposition toward other types of addictions even in adult life, future physical health issues, etc.
Parents interested in strengthening and protecting their children need to seek relevant education for:
a) themselves
b) their children, and
c) others (who surround and have an influence on their children)
We can help!
Get started with a parent presentation for your school, parent/teacher club, scouting group, sports team, gym, church, neighborhood association, etc.
Please ask about our new booklet containing tips for parents whose child has been exposed to pornography.